Freaks Like Us!

Alisha Thomas
Aug 24, 2021


where are the poets, the dreamers, the loners,

the ones who stay up all night

glaring at the most feral words?

where are the painters, the writers, the procrastinators,

the ones who read with a savage lust to escape

where are the thinkers, the drinkers, the grey-haired librarians who knows where every book lies?

where are the fucking rebels, the misfits, the rule-breakers, ones whom they call weirdos and freaks?

where are the wallflowers, the bird watchers, the ones who strangely fill your soul with meaning

where are them movie lovers, the storytellers, the romantics

their eyes fraught with terror and beauty

sinners to the world’s eyes,

ever so real, ever so amazing...



Alisha Thomas

Writing here so the words don't decompose inside my head🌊